THE worlds most advanced drinking water system
With instant filtered boiling, chilled and sparkling water, any way you want it, we offer the widest choice of water options on the market. So, whether you’re filling a plunger of coffee, a glass of cool, crisp drinking water, the choice is at your fingertips.

SMART technology
With unrivaled expertise in instant filtered boiling, chilled and sparkling water taps, Zip Water is known globally for being home to the world’s most advanced drinking water systems. Transforming the way people drink and cook forever, our cutting-edge technology will leave you wondering how you ever lived without a HydroTap system by Zip Water. Start drinking more water, saving time, saving energy and seeing the benefits to your family’s wellbeing.
Advanced filtration
We put water quality at the heart of our offering, making each and every glass healthier and tastier for you. Our advanced drinking water purification system combines activated carbon and 0.2 micron sediment removal technology into one easy to change, hygienic cartridge. Zip genuine filters not only remove taste, odor, dirt, contaminants and heavy metals such as lead from the water, but also up to 97% of chlorine and 99.9% of microbiological cysts if present.

Only the HydroTap by Zip Water transforms ordinary water into a form you will love. This essential and smart addition to any kitchen provides pure tasting boiling, chilled and sparkling water, instantly. It’s no wonder research suggests that 80% of residential HydroTap owners drink more water than before. We call this the Zip effect. And with scientific research proving that regularly drinking H20 can have some surprising benefits, you’ll question how you ever lived without a HydroTap system.